Turbo Leadership Systems

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August 24, 2010 Issue 292 To our clients and friends

Teach and Learn

Larry W. Dennis, Sr.
Turbo Leadership

Change a life, change the world

Becky, assistant retail manager for Jubitz Truck Stop, told Session 3B of the Leadership Development Lab:

"I received a call from a friend in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico in September 1995 and was asked if I could come and help some kids that just might need me. It only took me seconds to answer, so in a two week time frame, I gave my notice to the company I was with for 10 years, packed everything I owned, put it in storage, kissed my kids, family and friends goodbye and headed for the unknown.

"I knew somewhat of the situation, but when I walked into the rundown trailer and saw fifteen of the most beautiful little faces, I fell instantly in love. These were angry, broken kids that didn’t care about anyone or anything. Their ages ranged from 9 to 17 and not one of them knew their self-worth. So I began a three year healing school and each one began to blossom into kids that liked and respected themselves.

"My biggest challenge, however, was my 17- year old. Confused, lost, no where to go, he told me he didn’t respect anyone or trust anyone. I told him that it was okay because I would earn his trust and respect. So that’s where our story began – he began to want to come to school, started participating and he was the most talented artist I had ever seen. We began developing this bond. His parents didn’t believe he’d be anything. Finally with a lot of work, I convinced them to really take time to look at their son and believe in him.

"AJ now works for Disney Studios as an artist in Orlando, Florida and I hear from him frequently. He emailed me a while back and asked if I would please come to his

wedding in June. He said he’d like me to be there so I could see the difference I made in his life.

"The lesson I learned from this experience is that when I see something worth saving, grab on and never let go. The action I call you to take is to listen with your heart, hold on with your arms and see through the eyes of a child as if you were again that child.

"The benefit you will gain is that you may not be able to save every child, but if you can make a difference in even one child’s life, you will have received the greatest honor of all just to see the brightness in his eyes and the smile across his beautiful face."

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