Turbo Leadership Systems

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December 31, 2012 Issue 411 To our clients and friends

Happy NEW Year

Larry W. Dennis, Sr.
Turbo Leadership

New proactive you!

Happy New Year- What is the operative word in this three word greeting? The answer - NEW! Happy New Year. Most of the people you give this greeting to will not have a new year! They will have a ditto year. What a depressing thought for the new year to be just like the year past, just a repeat of the same thing again and again like Bill Murray in the movie “Groundhogs Day.”

No one crosses the threshold of a new year with indifference. There is promise in this new start; 365 fresh, new 1440 minute days, 525,600 minutes! You can have a New Year! Your year can be new in every way. Yes, you can have a fresh beginning. You can say goodbye to the old man with the cycle, gently release all the successes and all the disappointments of 2012. You can then embrace the new 2013 baby, a fresh, new start.

What is required to fulfill the promises of the New Year? Old patterns must be set aside – new commitments made and new patterns embraced. You must be a new you! A new you is within your reach. By making 2013 a new year, you will set in motion new patterns that will leverage the rest of your life.

You have had life changing years in the past. Too often they have been reactive; reacting to relationship breakups, career changes and health crises. Here is your chance to proactively decide what you want to be different in 2013, to consciously decide where you want to see change, and go into action to create that change.

Jim, the safety director for a large Northwest construction company, told the (LDL): “After working with Gene for

probably too long, trying to help him do a better job in performing up to our minimum standard, I fired him. A couple of nights later I walked into a bar not far from our construction site. There sat Gene. I nodded at him. Gene got up, walked over, and spat a big one in my face. I jumped up with my fist cocked. Gene taunted me, ‘Go ahead and hit me.’

“The whole scene flashed in front of my eyes. I would hit him in the throat and knock him out or worse. I could see his buddy was ready to pounce on me. I would swing around before he could get up and knock him flat. Then I saw the stark fear, the pleading terror in Gene’s wife’s eyes and thought, ‘This isn’t worth it. What am I trying to prove?’ I dropped my fist and said, ‘Gene, I am sorry for your pain,’ and walked away.” Jim said, “For the first time I can remember, I turned the other cheek.” Jim is having a New Year!

Making 2013 a New Year will require courageous acts that take you out of your comfort zone. As you look back, you will say, “2013 was a milestone year for me.”

“Ring out the old, ring in the new.
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.”
- Alfred, Lord Tennyson

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